Monday, July 25, 2011

July 25, 2011: Elder Bowles

Dear Mom and Dad,

Happy 24th of July. Happy Pioneer Day. No fireworks were allowed in California. waaaa. California has some lame laws. Do you want to hear some? NO fire works allowed except on July 4th. If you ride a bike on the sidewalk and are going faster than 15 miles per hour you can get a ticket. You basically have to ride on the roads. Some people don't like missionaries and they purposely hit the missionaries on the bicycles. I have heard stories. Good thing I am in a car. If you are drunk and you are riding a scooter or a bike, or skateboard or leaning on the car you can get a DUI. California has strict laws-- it's crazy. Good thing we are Mormon Missionaries that follow the rules.

This crazy guy comes up to us and says you are mormons right? We are like yea. He said you have multiple wives right. We said no and we are only allowed to have one. You can only handle one. Then he said hey you know what I believe? What do you believe? He said I believe in everything. Mom and Dad, when people say they believe in everything this includes Aliens. He said I believe in everything. He was weird and drunk at the same time. We see him 3 times a week and he does believe in Aliens. We even asked him. Weird.

In Sacrament Meeting they talked about the pioneers and how they came across the plains. One of the speakers talked about the his ancestry but it was hard to understand. He would talk fast then slow and sometimes mumble. I did not get half of his talk. Maybe someone understood it. Phil our investigator came to church for the second time in a row. He really likes it. He likes the music, classes, and everything. Phil our investigator we have to take slowly. He has this some kind of disease that without medication he goes crazy. With medication he is a normal person. He is a big smoker. He does not smoke when we come over. But our ward mission leader says sometimes the therapist would recommend smoking. Smoking helps calm his nerves down or just helps him feel relaxed. So he have to ask if it's okay to stop smoking and ask does stopping the smoking hurt the medication he is taking. It's really confusing. But phil is progressing. The lesson that we teach him he says makes sense and he really likes it.

Good luck with the cub scouts, you are going to have so much fun. Remember I was a cub scout. This is another opportunity to share the gospel. You might have kids who are non members in cub scouts. I have heard stories of kids who joined cub scouts that were not members of the church. They liked cub scouts and soon joined our church and were members for the rest of their life. So another opportunity to share the gospel. Have fun this week.

Love you MOM, DAD, and KRISTIN

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